Awakened Entrepreneur Masterclass - A Financial Crisis Survival Guide

 Live - Online via Kajabi


A Financial Crisis Survival Guide: Live Workshop

Being able to bless the ones you love and protect your business and finances takes skill and planning. Learn the steps I have taken over the past 3 years and what I am doing now to protect myself, my family and my business in case of a Global financial collapse. Join me live to create your own personal map to navigate the upcoming Financial Crisis - you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Learn How To:

- Prepare your personal protection plan. 
- Create a security blanket for your business and your family.
- Everyday Investment options to protect you.


- Where you are - reality check.
- Practical Strategies you can implement now.
- Alternative solutions for 'safe money'


Create a practical and workable plan - for you, your business and your family during uncertain times. 

Plan, Prepare and Thrive.

If you have been asking yourself "What Can I Do To Thrive in a Financial Crash?" Then this is your opportunity to brainstorm, dig deep, challenge and create a plan for yourself and your family. Join me live to create your own personal map to navigate the upcoming Financial Crisis

June 30th 2024 - 8 pm UK
Limited to 10 attendees. 

If you are unsure of how to prepare to thrive through a global financial collapse, this short workshop cuts through the fluff and presents 5 actions you can begin to take action on today!

I will give you the tools to navigate the choppy waters. I'll show you how to look at the entire picture, rather than just focusing on the immediate situation. I’ll help you to understand what changes can be made today that will have long-term benefits, as well as short-term relief. 

I am excited to facilitate a masterclass that helps you  identify the steps you can take to create a secure foundation for you, your family and your business, and to create a map for yourself for to to navigate your unique journey.

I invite you to think differently and take new steps to discover the possibilities and solutions for thriving through a financial collapse.

NOTE: this is an educational workshop based on my experience, knowledge and opinion, and is NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE.


"I really appreciate the knowledge Heather has about financial systems used for trading , she is an excellent communicator when explaining the pros and cons of financial systems "

Bruce Burn

Join Me Live to Create Your Own Personal Map on How to Navigate the Upcoming Financial Crisis

Explore, discuss, plan and create strategies and plans for thriving, for yourself, your family and customers.

At the heart of all successful projects lies a strategy and plan. Without one, it’s impossible to make well-informed decisions, or set achievable goals. Especially when you maybe feeling the pinch financially and are worried about how you will get through a further financial downturn.

That’s why in the Financial Crisis Masterclass, we’ll help you review your income, savings and wealth strategies so you can create a practical plan, to help you thrive in these uncertain times. 

I am excited to host a mastermind that helps you to explore the hidden opportunities to protect you, your business and your family through a potential financial crisis. 

What Will You Learn? :

  • Intro - setting the scene -  Overview of where we're at
  • What you need to know about where we are and the good news for you.
  • What are the immediate steps you can take to grow or begin to build a 'rainy day' fund'? (it's not too late!)
  • What are the opportunities that may be possible for investment, growth and profit to help you become 'inflation proof' and thrive, personally and in your business?
  • We create your 'first draft' plan
  • By the end you can choose your first actions for success

Workbook and Templates Included.

Join me in this unique workshop and learn how to become an Awakened Entrepreneur who thrives during a financial crisis.

All this for a small investment of £19.97.

NOTE: this is an educational workshop based on my experience, knowledge and opinion, and is NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE.

Sign Up For The Live Event Today

Create an immediately implementable plan to thrive through the upcoming financial crisis.

Why Listen to me?

I consider myself a visionary and an Awakening Entrepreneur. I have the gift (or curse) of seeing the bigger picture, along with the ability to make connections where others may not see them. I think Gary Vaynerchuk calls this the gift of seeing 'white space'.

This served me well working as a consultant and consultancy manager for software companies and for Financial Services organisations (including banks) over 20 + years.

Seeing the big picture over the last three years has allowed me to take action to change my circumstances and prepare for the potential of the
biggest financial crash in our lifetimes.


I have first hand experience of setting up businesses and departments from scratch, leading teams to success, coaching and mentoring entrepreneurs and of starting over when life and family circumstances took priority.

I am a master at rebooting and helping clients to get clear, identify priorities and refocus on those tasks that are going to get them new clients, more income, clarity... whatever results they want. 

My Story of Awakening

I used to be stuck in a cycle of repeating mistakes and struggling financially. I was reluctant to share my message and knowledge. It felt like I was going nowhere on my own. But then, everything changed when I 'Upper levelled' my thinking and realised the need for a coach who not only understood where I was but also recognised the acceleration of change in all areas of business, finance and society. A coach who was willing to say the quiet parts out loud.

I decided to become one of those coaches.

Discovering a New Way of Doing Business

I tried traditional coaching and training from experienced leaders in the digital business space, but they still promoted old systems and thinking that could lead to massive financial losses and loss of freedoms.

That's when I learned about the new parallel economy, alternative tech (AI, Web3, Blockchain), and the financial systems that have already been developed and can help you thrive through the coming months. It gave me hope for a new way of creating an online business that could succeed and be future-proof through any crash.

And I realised that there were very few people offering business coaching of this nature. It became my duty and purpose to provide support for businesses who didn't know how to navigate the incoming crash.

Helping Business Owners' Thrive Through Uncertainty

Now, I am so much more resilient and focused on a positive future where we can create our own systems and structures.

I recognize the opportunities to thrive, take car of our families and communities and grow our businesses, as we move forward, helping others along the way. My transformation has made hardy and practical, and now, my mission is to help fellow entrepreneurs create a brighter future distinct from the past.

Together, we can build businesses that rely less on traditional financial and centrally controlled systems, while empowering ourselves and creating an alternative path for for the future.

I know I am here for a reason and that I have a specific purpose to fulfil during these unprecedented times.

After much resistance - this is me showing up to serve.

I look forward to working with you to help you prepare, in any way I can.

Heather Masters

NOTE: this is an educational workshop based on my experience, knowledge and opinion, and is NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE.


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